Viva Family Logo
About Viva Family

Assisted Reproduction Agency

At Viva Family our mission is to help create FAMILIES!

Viva Family is a company dedicated 100% to the Assisted reproduction in its mode of Surrogate motherhood. Our mission is to help create FAMILIES!  Our CEO and Founder has collected experiences from hundreds of families around the world to create a place where Intended Parents and Pregnant women converge to carry out dreams through processes attached to ethics and values within the framework of legality.

Here you will find support, timely follow-up and empathy throughout the entire process; no matter what you are Intended Parent either Surrogate Mother.

About Viva Family

We are a company that works with the highest standards of quality and service, where we can provide you with a complete process of Surrogate motherhood or only the specific part of the process that you require. 

The satisfaction and health of all our patients and clients who interact in the process of Surrogate motherhood It is the most important thing for us.

In VivaFamily You will find the most suitable option for your needs.


Years of experience


Accomplished dreams



Surrogacy prices

From $ 60,000 usd

With Viva Family, surrogacy may be within your reach. We have created a place where intended parents and pregnant women converge to carry out dreams with a high standard of patient care and affordable prices.

We can provide you with a complete surrogacy process or just the specific part of the process that you require. With us you will find the option most suitable for your needs since our goal is to keep costs controlled without affecting quality.

Make your dream of having a beautiful family come true

    Flexible payment plans, learn about the best premium experience in the field of surrogacy. Welcome to Viva Family.

    Viva Family Specialists

    Our team

    Lic. Vicky López
    CEO & Founder

    CEO and Founder of Fertycare Group SC She has 12 years of experience in the field of surrogacy.

    Dr. Nayeli
    Dr. Nayeli Martínez
    Medical Director

    Doctor graduated from the IPN Higher School of Medicine. He obtained his degree as an Obstetrician Gynecologist at the Juárez Hospital in Mexico..

    Fernando - Marketing and Quality Director
    Lic. Fernando Juárez
    Marketing and Quality Director

    Graduate in Communication Sciences, he has more than 12 years of experience in public relations, communication and marketing.

    Lic. Cori Porcayo
    Administrative Director and Social Work

    Administrative Director and Social Work, graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from UNAM.

    Lic. Cinthya Franco

    Graduated with a degree in Psychology from the Universidad La Salle Cuernavaca, she has a diploma in Humanities issued by the same university.

    Lic. Natalia Olvera
    Administrative Manager

    Originally from San Luis Potosí, specialized in Habitat Sciences. He has experience in business coordination and administration, focused on Customer Service, payments and project management.

    Viva Family Nursing 2024
    Medical Supervisors

    All of our supervisors are nurses who are in charge of our pregnant women 24/7 and have experience in hospital care and emergency care. In this way, VivaFamily protects and cares for patients so that Intended Parents can have a safe pregnancy with minimal risks.

    Viva Family

    Our specialists speak

    Cinthya Franco
    Corina Olmedo
    Administrative director
    Fernando Juarez
    Marketing and Quality
    Vicky Lopez
    CEO & Founder
    Dreams come true

    Created families


    Frequently asked questions about surrogacy

    Is the process legal in Mexico?

    The only States of the Republic where there is a law on surrogacy are Tabasco and Sinaloa, however, we ensure a process adhered to ethics and values within the framework of legality. At all times Viva Family cares about your health, well-being and integrity

    How long should I wait for my embryo transfer?

    Once you sign a contract with us, you will immediately begin your endometrial preparation. Everything will depend on your disposition.

    Do I pay any costs during my process?

    NO. All expenses involved in our program will be covered by VivaFamily.

    Can I work and be in the program?

    None of our surrogates have to interrupt their daily activities, such as working.

    What type of supervision do I have during my process?

    You will have 24/7 communication and monitoring with our medical staff. You will be assigned a medical supervisor who is a specialist in the field, who will follow you throughout your process.

    Viva Family Pregnant Woman
    Animated gif of the Viva Family logo with some pink spherical figures
    Thank you

    To all the people who have trusted us!

    It is an incredible experience to see the happy faces of our favorite people when they receive their little dreams into their arms.

    Open chat
    How can we help you?